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The perfect soft boiled egg
Prep Time
2 mins
Cook Time
6 mins
Total Time
8 mins
Servings: 1
Calories: 275 kcal
  • 1 jumbo egg
  • 1 slice Helga's mixed grain bread (or any other type of bread of your choice)
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 1 pinch salt and pepper
  1. Put bread on to toast 

  2. Bring a pot full of water to gently boiling, ie so there are small bubbles. I am impatient so I generally boil the kettle and then pour the boiling water into the pot to make this step quicker

  3. Lower a jumbo egg straight from the fridge into the boiling pot. Lower it in carefully with a spoon so it doesn't just fall in and smash straight on the bottom. 

  4. Set your timer immediately once you've put the egg in for 5 minutes and 45 seconds and keep cooking it at "just boiling". Doing this straight away is critical! We don't have a second to spare! 

  5. While the egg is cooking your toast will probably be ready. Butter it and cut into soldiers and plate them up.

  6. Once the timer goes off (at 5 mins 45 secs), using a spoon take the egg out and immediately put into an egg cup and cut the top off.

  7. Your egg should be perfect. Top with salt and pepper and enjoy with your soldiers.


** The first time you make this recipe I highly recommend putting 3 eggs in to boil at the same time. Take one out at 5 mins 30 seconds, one out at 5 mins 45 seconds, and one out at 6 minutes. Then compare the 3 eggs and see which one you prefer. Personally, 5 mins 45 seconds is perfect for me and my setup but I know slightly different sized eggs, different cookers, different fridges etc can really have an impact on the cooking time needed. And yes, it comes down to seconds! So just do this the first time so you know exactly how long for your setup for future and then when you make them in future you can just do the correct number of eggs needed and know they will come out cooked perfectly :)